Anthony Aylesworth (? - bef. 1 Aug 1757)

Anthony is the son of John and Dorcas (Jones) Aylesworth, making him the grandson of Arthur and Mary (Brown) Aylesworth. He served in the campaign of 1756, enlisting in the Expedition against Crown Point in the regiment of soldiers raised by the Colony, under the command of Col. Christopher Harris, dying during the expedition, intestate.
Capt. Thomas Aylesworth (1726 - 1814)

Thomas is the son of Chad and Elizabeth (Major) Aylesworth, making him the grandson of Arthur and Mary (Brown) Aylesworth. He was made Ensign of the 9th Company (Potter’s, later Hacker’s Company) in May 1756, then 2nd Lietenant in March 1758. by July 1761 he was Captain of 2nd Company of Scituate.
Daniel Howard (1724 - 1815)

Daniel Howard is the son of Edward Jr. and Eleanor (Tarbox) Howard. Two of his brothers, Edward and Zebedee, also served in the French and Indian War. Daniel served in the Connecticut Militia Campagain of 1759 under Captain Azel Fitche, unknown enlistment or discharge dates. He then enlisted 22 March 1762 in the Connecticut Militia, Tenth Company of the Second Regiment, under Col. Nathan Whiting, in the Campaign of 1762. He was discharged on 2 December 1762.
5th Great Grandfather
Edward Howard

Edward Howard is the son of Edward Jr. and Eleanor (Tarbox) Howard. Two of his brothers, Daniel and Zebedee, also served in the French and Indian War. Edward enlisted 3 April 1758 in the Connecticut Militia, Fifth Company of the Second Regiment, under Col. Nathan Whiting, in the Campaign of 1758. He was discharged on 20 October 1758.
5th Great Granduncle
Zebedee Howard (abt. 1734 - 1800)

Zebedee Howard is the son of Edward Jr. and Eleanor (Tarbox) Howard. Two of his brothers, Daniel and Edward, also served in the French and Indian War. Zebedee served in the Connecticut Militia, Ninth Company of the Second Regiment, under Capt. Azel Fitch, in the Campaign of 1759. His enlistment and discharge dates are unknown.
5th Great Granduncle
William Norris, Sr. (1730 - ?)

William is the son of William and Susannah (_____) Norris. He was a resident of Fauquier County, British Colony of Virginia when he served as an Ensign in the French and Indian War, under Capt. William Edmunds Company, in 1761.
6th Great Granduncle
Lemuel Peterson (1747 - ?)

Lemuel served in the Campaign of 1762 from the British Colony of Rhode Island Providence Plantations.
5th Great Grandfather